Commercial Mixing Equipment

Continuous mixing technology is among the most popular commercial mixing equipment we offer at Reading Bakery Systems. You might not know that it profoundly impacts the shelf life of products. These are just some of the many reasons that’s the case.


Uniform Ingredient Dispersion

One of the key factors influencing the shelf life of food products is the uniform dispersion of ingredients. Continuous mixing excels in consistently and evenly dispersing ingredients throughout the product, preventing clumping or uneven distribution. This uniformity ensures that every portion of the final product contains a consistent blend of ingredients, whether it's bread, dough, or other food items. As a result, the product maintains its quality and flavor throughout its shelf life.


Controlled Hydration Levels

Maintaining optimal hydration levels in the dough is critical for the texture, freshness, and longevity of baked goods. Continuous mixers provide precise control over hydration levels, ensuring that each batch of dough is mixed to the exact specifications of the recipe. Consistent hydration contributes to a uniform crumb structure and prevents issues such as dryness or sogginess, enhancing the product's overall quality and extending its shelf life.


Reduced Oxidation and Enzymatic Activity

Oxidation and enzymatic activity are factors that can lead to the degradation of food products over time. Continuous mixing minimizes the exposure of ingredients to air, reducing the risk of oxidation. Additionally, the controlled and continuous mixing process helps manage enzymatic activity, preserving the quality and freshness of the final product. These factors are crucial in extending the shelf life of a wide range of food items.


Temperature Control

Maintaining a consistent temperature during the mixing process is vital for the quality and shelf life of various food products. Continuous mixing systems from RBS incorporate advanced temperature control mechanisms, ensuring even temperature distribution throughout the dough or batter. This temperature control contributes to uniform fermentation and proofing, producing products with extended shelf life and improved stability.


Real-Time Monitoring and Adjustments

We equip our advanced continuous mixing equipment with real-time monitoring and control systems. Operators can closely monitor critical parameters and make real-time adjustments. This ensures that the mixing process remains within the desired parameters, contributing to the quality and shelf life of the final product. The ability to react promptly to deviations in the process enhances the product's overall stability.


Reduction of Processing Variability

Continuous mixing minimizes processing variability, a factor that can impact final product consistency and shelf life. In batch mixing, variations between batches may occur due to differences in mixing time, ingredient dispersion, or other factors. Continuous mixers operate seamlessly, eliminating batch-to-batch variability and contributing to a more consistently high-quality product with a predictable and extended shelf life.


Hygienic Design for Extended Storage

Exact Mixing designs all continuous mixers with hygiene in mind, featuring smooth surfaces and easily cleanable components. This hygienic design minimizes the risk of contamination, a critical factor in extending the shelf life of food products. The cleanliness of continuous mixers ensures that the final product is free from unwanted microorganisms or contaminants that could compromise its quality during storage.


Learn more about commercial mixing equipment from Reading Bakery Systems by calling 610-693-5816 or using our online contact form.