Cracker Production Line Equipment Manufacturers

Reading Bakery Systems (RBS) is the undisputed leader among cracker production line equipment manufacturers. Companies have put their trust in us for more than a century, and we continue to provide innovative equipment to the industry. When you turn to us, you’ll work with a manufacturer that can provide whatever tools you need to ensure the highest quality. We can also help boost your bottom line in the process.


RBS has customers across the world. Our line of products include the following:


  • Baking
  • Mixing
  • Drying
  • Dough handling
  • Dough forming
  • And much more

No matter what type of cracker dough you use – unfermented or fermented – we'll meet your needs.


Our Mixing Products

We’ve been at the forefront of mixing equipment innovation for decades. Among our innovations is continuous mixing products that increase efficiency and yield by reducing costs. Instead of using unreliable, inconsistent batch mixing, cracker producers can use continuous mixing and enjoy incredible results.


Not only does continuous mixing reduce the amount of laytime involved in producing dough, but it also makes dough troughs a thing of the past. You will see an unprecedented level of consistency and a higher-quality final result. RBS continuous mixing products can also help you save a great deal of money. Our products not only use far less energy, but they can also be 100% automated.


Solutions for Sheeting and Laminating

If you're looking for a more efficient packaging method, consider the Primary Sheeter from RBS. It comes in three- or four-roll versions and is designed to deliver a sheet free of holes. Once the crackers come out of the oven, they'll be of uniform density. This is critical to the packaging process.


In addition, the Thomas L. Green Servo-Cut Sheet Laminator can also increase efficiency. Not only does it cut and stack dough sheets accurately, but it delivers them accurately as well. This piece of equipment places cut sheets gently and precisely, ensuring that the center and edges of the cracker sheet will be consistent with a uniform density of dough. You can install the Sheeter either above or on the side of the Laminator. This will not only ensure greater efficiency it will also provide a more compact layout if your facility is space-challenged.



Thomas L. Green ovens have been an industry staple for over a century. The biggest reason is that we're constantly adding improvements. For example, we offer the PRISM OVEN, one of the most flexible baking platforms in the entire industry. Not only does the PRISM OVEN offer a Convection Zone, but it also offers DGF (Direct Gas Fired) and Emithermic Zones. The Emithermic Zone is a combination of convection and radiant heating.


In addition to crackers, the PRISM OVEN is perfect for the following types of baked products:


  • Cookies
  • English muffins
  • Soft and hard biscuits
  • Snack cakes
  • And others

In addition, the PRISM OVEN allows operators to precisely control the method of heat transfer as well as temperature, humidity, and time. It also allows them to repeat that precision.


Get in Touch to Learn More

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the leader among cracker production line equipment manufacturers, Reading Bakery Systems. You can use our convenient online form, or you can call (01) 610-693-5816.