Streamlined Equipment Designs for Optimizing Snack Production

In the snack industry, the key to success lies in producing snacks quickly and efficiently without sacrificing quality. One way to achieve this is by using streamlined equipment designs that optimize snack production by reducing downtime, increasing output, and improving product consistency. Discover how streamlined equipment from Reading Bakery Systems (RBS) can benefit commercial snack manufacturers.

As a global leader in the snack food industry, RBS manufactures technologically advanced commercial bakery equipment, including Exact Mixing Continuous Mixing equipment to accurately deliver dough to your snack production line and Thomas L. Green's most advanced commercial oven systems that help customers around the globe meet their snack production demands.

Benefits of Streamlined Equipment Designs

RBS' streamlined equipment uses advanced technology to eliminate production line bottlenecks and reduce production time, thereby improving the efficiency and quality of your snack production.

  1. Increased Efficiency

Eliminating production bottlenecks leads to a smoother and faster production process. This increased efficiency allows you to make more products quickly, reducing costs and increasing profits.

  1. Better Product Quality

Use our advanced equipment technology to improve the quality of your snack products. The designs ensure your products are produced uniformly and consistently, eliminating variations in quality.

  1. Cost Savings

RBS equipment helps customers reduce costs by optimizing the production process. The designs eliminate the need for additional labor, minimize energy consumption, and decrease the likelihood of production errors, all contributing to cost savings.

  1. Sustainability

Our streamlined equipment designs are environmentally friendly and sustainable, using less energy, generating less waste, and reducing your carbon footprint,

Innovative Snack Equipment from Reading Bakery Systems

Continuous Mixers

Continuous mixers use a continuous process to mix ingredients, eliminating the need for multiple batches and reducing production time. To produce the most consistent dough and finished product, consider state-of-the-art Continuous Mixing technology from Exact Mixing. Exact Continuous Mixers come in a range of sizes, ranging from 50 to 10,000 kg/hour. They are available based primarily on dough moisture levels or dough mixing stages.

High-Quality Ovens

For more than a hundred years, the Thomas L. Green PRISM OVEN has earned the trust of the biscuit, cookie, and cracker industry. Its adaptable single-pass baking system is specifically engineered to elevate product uniformity. Meanwhile, the Reading Pretzel SPECTRUM OVENĀ® boasts similar adaptability to the PRISM OVEN and is perfect for baking pretzels, bread snacks, baked crisps, and potato snacks.

Turnkey Production Systems

RBS also manufactures and installs complete turnkey production systems that feature the latest technology and help customers efficiently and profitably produce a wide range of baked snacks. For example, our modern, high-volume Cracker System enables you to create straight-sheeted, dual-sheeted, and laminated crackers. The extrusion-based Fried Potato Ring System is ideal for the flexible, efficient, high-volume production of extruded fried snacks. And the Multi-Crisp Baked Snack System enables you to produce a variety of wheat, potato, multi-grain, and corn masa flour crisps on one flexible system.

Key Takeaways

Streamlined equipment designs are essential for snack manufacturing companies to meet the increasing demand for snacks while maintaining the quality and efficiency of their products. Optimizing your snack production process is simplified with innovative baking equipment from Reading Bakery Systems. Call us at (01) 610-693-5816 or click here to contact us online.